Business enterprises face the sharpest transition, as they go out of business to achieve business growth stabilization. Guangzhou-based PG Logistics Group (PGL), are considered high-growth enterprises in the tail logistics industry in China, has received a significant first mover advantage after securing a stable customer base and operational scale. The company is ready to take further leadership as the industry is expected to undergo an exponential growth in the next few years. However, the transition from one owner managed enterprises established by the organization is a demanding business. Examines the success factors affecting the phenomenal growth of the company as a private company in China and the decisions and issues that they face, as he turns to the established enterprise in the future. "Hide
by Benjamin Yen, Phoebe Ho Source: University of Hong Kong, 12 pages. Publication Date: October 19, 2004. Prod. #: HKU342-PDF-ENG