To optimize the portfolio of brands, companies can use a step-by-step approach: the decision to brands to consider, analyze each brand in relation to its contribution to the company, brand valuation in accordance with the market performance (thrust) and future prospects (momentum) and to classify brands along these three dimensions (contribution, traction and momentum), which allows managers to identify both challenges and opportunities. This process allows companies to sort their brands in various categories: power (a brand that needs to be protected fiercely and intelligently deployed), bed (brand, with some fast tracking can build a power brand), a slider (a valuable brand that has lost momentum , slipping back, and requires immediate intervention to prevent the crisis), soldiers (solid brand that helps calm, without a lot of attention control), black hole (a brand that sucks resources and may or may not ever pay), Rocket (brand, which is on the road to power brand status), wallflower (a small, understated brand with a very loyal clientele, often undervalued and undermarketed), and throw (brands that were mothballed years ago). Companies can link the goals for each grade in the overall plan, which will include a brand architecture and resource allocation. "Hide
by Sam Hill, Richard Ettenson, Dane Tyson Source: MIT Sloan Management Review 8 pages. Publication Date: January 1, 2005. Prod. #: SMR167-PDF-ENG