In 1996, Gillette acquired Duracell for $ 7.3 billion in stock. The acquisition was met with optimism, not only senior management Gillette and its authoritative director, Warren Buffett, but Wall Street analysts. Key numerous problems faced by Gillette after purchase. Despite initial enthusiasm, Duracell was a drain on profits and Gillette has cost Michael Hawley, James Kilt predecessor as CEO, his job after just 18 months in office - largely for its inability to turn the financial bleeding at the division Duracell. Key policy issues revolve around what can be done to turn the battery business to help it achieve the potential for Gillette, everyone assumed he had. "Hide
by Frank C. Schultz, Michael T. McCune Source: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation 18 pages. Publication Date: January 25, 2005. Prod. #: 905M26-PDF-ENG