Process Control at Polaroid (A) Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Process Control at Polaroid (A) Case Solution


Under the pod weight, the X-bar chart is constructed for each shift, including: A, B & C. For the shift A, the performance variability of pod weight is within the control limit (2.776407, 2.833971),which demonstrates that the process is in control. In the similar way, foreach shift B & C; the performance variability of pod weight is within the control limit (2.765, 2.839788) and (2.767, 2.832476), which demonstrates that the process is in control. This tends to indicate that the quality is getting better since the defect rate of the pod weight is normal and in control, despite of the number of quality control samples being reduced. The R chart of the pod weight is also constructed for each shift, which shows that almost all values are out of the control, stipulating that the process is not stable, due to which the company needs to perform the root cause analysis for the particular cause.

In addition to this, under the finger height; the X-bar chart is constructed for each shift including A, B & C. The control chart of finger height measurement shows that the performance variability of pod weight for each shift is within the control limit,which demonstrates that the process is in control. But, it is analyzed that the values are close to the control limits and the interval between the lower control and upper control limits is small. This shows that the process is comparatively little stable as compared to the pod’s weight. The R chart of the finger heightis also constructed for each shift, which shows that almost all values are out of the control, stipulating that the points are within the control. TheR-chart is in control due to which the control limits on the X bar are accurate. This also shows that the variation between subgroups is consistent.(Hawkins, 2004).


In Polaroid, the process of quality control could increase the defect rate and make the sample product to be reworked. Therefore, the implementation of Green light could reduce the number of samples,which in turn tends to save the company’s expenses. Prior to the Green light project; the process quality was dependent on the individual performance of the operator since each of them had their own mindset about handling the machines from their experience and expertise. The Green light project tends to provide the standard direction and allows for quality control and accurate measurement of the processes. It would also serve to identify and to measure the steps of the manufacturing process that are not in control & might lead towards

Hence, the company is recommended to investigate the cause of the issue, because the expense of process control quality would be lower dafter finding the problem. With the intent of collecting the meaningful data; the company needs to ensure that operators follow the process. Furthermore, there are many type of defects which are not related to the needs of the customer,such as: excessive reagent. The quality controls of such measurements tend to cause an additional expense recurrence by the company, due to which the company is recommended to reduce the number of controlled defects to save the expense while maintaining the quality of its product.....................

Process Control at Polaroid (A) Case Solution

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