Shooting & Outdoor Distributor (SOD) was a Puerto Rican family-owned wholesale company selling sporting goods for hunting and fishing. After a year of working for the company, the operations manager was confronted with the coming of a U.S. retail chain, Sports Authority (SA), to the Puerto Rican market. SA taken many sporting goods sold by SOD, in addition to a number of brands under exclusive distribution agreements between SOD and its U.S. manufacturers.
It had the power to negotiate better prices with makers than SOD and pass those deals on to the last customer, while SA was a retailer, because of its size. SOD's operations manager was considering three alternatives for fighting this competition: 1) Develop private branding for a new rifle product; 2) Open SOD retail stores not managing close to SA or to its retail customers; and/or 3) Expand SOD to other Latin American and Caribbean markets where no competition was present. Shirley Ann Molina is affiliated with Graduate School of Business University of Puerto Rico.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about SALES & MARKETING